评论: 18/05/2023 路怒就能直接开枪?连续的枪击事件,禁枪到底有没有用?警方:惠灵顿火灾的确疑似人为纵火;中国斡旋下,乌克兰首松口:有条件的接受停战建议
  • Why the cops want to control the guns, as thus will make the firearms dept. Employs 30 more people buy more computers, more cars. A few more in charge earning 200k. Why not. To register all guns does it helps, the Australian man still can kill. We should stop Australian man comes to nz.

  • 右翼政党天天逼着政府增加劳工,现在好了,雇佣支出下降了,通胀又增大了,下一步失业率会增高,本地人的日子真就雪上加霜了。