

Weather, Cyclone Hale: 'Serious' repair bill expected after Coromandel  damage - NZ Herald

引述 NZ Herald 报道,Thames-Coromandel 区议会今天在 Facebook 上展示了飓风造成的各种破坏,海墙摇摇欲坠,人行道被碎石覆盖。

Cooks Beach 和 Matarangi 之间的60公里海岸线的情况最严重。

Ex-Cyclone Hale has caused significant damage along the East Coast, leaving the community with a huge bill. Photo / Thames-Coromandel District Council

Ex-Cyclone Hale left footpaths covered in debris and sea walls crumbling. Photo / Thames-Coromandel District Council



虽然还没有确认确切的成本数字,但该委员会表示,修复飓风黑尔的沿海地区的账单,预计将达到 "严重 "的六位数。

Commuters are advised to reduce speeds and trucks to delay travelling as an underground slip is forming on Kapowai Rd in Whenuakite. Photo / Thames-Coromandel District Council

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