过去 2 天新增 8638 例 Covid-19 病例 24 例死亡

卫生部周六宣布,过去两天新西兰新增社区 Covid-19 病例 8638 例。

口罩和护目镜的文件图像,PPE 的一部分,个人防护设备。

今天报告的死亡人数包括 6 月记录的 23 人死亡和 5 月记录的 1 人死亡。卫生部公开报告的 COVID-19 死亡人数增加到 1,455 人,报告死亡人数的 7 天滚动平均值为 12 人。 

New Covid-19 Response Minister Dr Ayesha Verrall has warned lockdowns could be used in future if problematic new variants emerge, but only as a last resort. File photo / Mark Mitchell

今日确诊病例分布:; six were from the Auckland region, three were from Waikato, three were from Hawke’s Bay, one was from Bay of Plenty, three were from Taranaki, one was from Wairarapa, one was from the Wellington region, two were from Nelson-Marlborough, three were from Canterbury, and one was from Southern.


截屏2022-06-25 下午1

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