【+13606】阳性率27.4% |2月26日疫情更新

今日新增 13,606 例 COVID-19 社区病例;263人住院;5人在重症监护室,

仅在奥克兰,就报告了 7702 例病例。新西兰的阳性率——检测结果呈阳性的百分比——现在为 27.4%,高于 24 小时前的 10.9%。自大流行开始以来,新西兰的死亡人数为 61 人。

昨天接种了 31,217 剂加强剂,但目前应接种加强剂的人中有 30.5% 尚未接种。卫生部敦促这些人制定计划,尽快获得加强针。

住院病例分布:Cases in hospital: total number 263: Northland: 1; North Shore: 44; Middlemore: 89; Auckland: 92; Tauranga: 8; Taranaki: 3; Waikato: 26

病例分布:Northland (218), Auckland (9,262), Waikato (1,154), Bay of Plenty (690), Lakes (185), Hawke’s Bay (106), MidCentral (123), Whanganui (28), Taranaki (52), Tairāwhiti (48), Wairarapa (18), Capital and Coast (413), Hutt Valley (130), Nelson Marlborough (176), Canterbury (469), South Canterbury (20), Southern (505), West Coast (3); Unknown (6)


PCR阳性确诊地区分布:Northland (46), Auckland (1565), Waikato (388), Bay of Plenty (279), Lakes (23), Hawke's Bay (54), MidCentral (112), Whanganui (13), Taranaki (37), Tairāwhiti (34), Wairarapa (10), Capital and Coast (182), Hutt Valley (85), Nelson Marlborough (79), Canterbury (355), South Canterbury (13), Southern (524) and the West Coast (6).

Cars queue around the block as Balmoral PCR testing station is closed for the delivery of RAT kits. Photo / Michael Craig

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