每天不到50刀?刀 Correct. Your listeners do not understand what dollars is. They only understand how much they will get from pension.
载有婴儿的汽车被盗, why the woman can leave a baby in the car? IF the thief is not putting the baby on the grass. He could be BAKE. Stop just complaining.
Those who come to NZ is poorest wanting to take. After they finish schooling then they use NZ as stepping stone to the US and Aussie. When they are old and sick they come back for our pension and free medical.
有些國家是賊喊捉賊, your grandpa country? Attacking Philippine now.
Biggest cities on earth paying for parking 24/7 is normal. Country boys.
NZ only takes shit people. Coming for your pension and benefits.
多謝兩位主持 討論分享報道新西蘭的新聞。其實 你們很努力,不過要改善這個國家的情況,並不容易,因為世界都不斷罪惡化, 人類選擇 走向罪惡,多於走向善良。 你可以說我是悲觀但這是事實
Chinese use foot to vote. IF Aussie is good, they all went there. Will not stay in NZ and saying Aussie is good.
To run away from your grandpa country, and for the benefits.
评论: 15/05/2024 首超5万人!新西兰公民净移民损失创历史新高 ; 朝鲜警告新西兰!停止对亚太地区的“军事干涉”;新西兰地震预测:损失千亿,伤亡过万!