Those who come to NZ is poorest wanting to take. After they finish schooling then they use NZ as stepping stone to the US and Aussie. When they are old and sick they come back for our pension and free medical.
軍政府? As long as no cop use steel batons to beat citizenships, or use army tanks to crush citizenships, that is ok.
Why no police force? Just have just said, cops busy at getting speed tickets.
why ban chainsaw? Chainsaw is just a tool.
Stop just complaining, gasoline in the steel containers? Why there is any gasoline vapour?
Stop just complaining. Just a chain saw and gas bottle. The passenger needs it to work. Why not? Do not just complaining anything. You people dont know anything about tools. If that passenger needs, it to work then???
新西蘭國家窮, no, how much we are paying for pensions and benefits? Poor, sure not.
Cops only care speed tickets are normal. As all speed tickets fees go into police department. cops have their holiday homes all over NZ. We are paying for them.
评论: 14/05/2024 被骂爆!奥克兰CBD停车开启24/7收费模式;外长 Winston Peters 开启第二次太平洋岛国之行;新西兰防长宣布向军方拨款5.71亿纽币