National government. Not Labour government.
Criminals vote Labour
Learn kung fu. If you are not prepared, you are waiting to be the next victim.
High school teacher 100k per year. What do they want.
After COVID-19, kids can use phones and computer in class. Teachers lost total control. Thats why student results coming down.
Come to NZ, most of us can sit on Work and income. Will not be starving to died.
You cant choose how to be born. You can choose how to die. Eat more junk food then. Die hard.
Airport upgraded needs to increase price. Can Mc Donald upgrade ask customers to oay for it?
评论: 27/02/2024 我爱纽西兰:涨涨涨!新西兰大学住宿费用将上调;新西兰又一珍惜物种进入灭绝边缘;开战两年乌克兰阵亡3.1万;美现役空军在以色列使馆门前自焚声援巴勒斯坦;模拟夺回离岛,美日“铁拳”演习剑指中国;示好金正恩,普京赠豪车