Where do these poor people send their money? On beer, cigarette?
This is NZ culture, The white men, change their house, car and woman every a few years. Look around almost all your white men friends divorce a few times in a lifetime.
National do not want to offense the old, Labour sure will not offense their voters.
Need to work, IRD tax paid, at least 20 years in NZ to get pension.
Need to work, IRD tax paid, at least 20 years in NZ to get prison.
They go to prison then
This guy pointing correctly. The black farm kids for benefits. Sure, Labour will be sure win.
Stop comparing with China, if so, you go back to China
Sitting on pension, benefits, critizing is easy.
评论: 16/02/2024 基督城地区山火进入紧急状态 | 2023年离纽的公民人数创新高 | 新西兰人年薪下降3.6%,收入最高的地区不是奥克兰