why are people poor, they are lazy to work, stupid to learn.
Recycle 这真的是有病!应该写出来什么能扔,其它都不能扔不就好了吗?
我們身邊用的很多很多東西,穿的衣服 都是回收廢物再用,recycle
Please please remember this is new Zealand 麻煩麻煩大家融入這個社會好嗎
Never talk about your home country. Otherwise, they will say, this is NZ. Means, go back to your country. They change rubbish laws, cant they change laws.
行窃近万 NZ前国会议员或面临最高8年监禁 , why do our robberies, burglaries do not have that serious punishment? Because they vote LABOUR?
the most important significant is 人,是人, Nancy is National, If Labour, the most important is VOTERS. including criminals.
Both of you two, please note, she said the most important significant is 人,是人,not others.
Increase cops is no use. Right now, cops need to control traffic. To reduce their workload is the key point. If there are separate teams to control traffic will be better off.