In NZ, lots of people on the road do not have license or insurance. They are gangs, Maori, international students, on benefits. So they have no sweat. If they hit your car, they will not compensate you.
Tenants will wreck the houses.
開車的態度守法才重要,很多 新西蘭人魯莽駕駛。
Every 10 years, drivers need to go back for driving test again.
In nz, everything slow. Only driving is FAST. Lower speed limit. Only give them more tickets.
Ghost home? You dont know how the tenants wreck the house?
You choose nz. Because of communist and nz has benefits.
All road 30km then. Very safe and more speed tickets
I was in Japan 2 years. Most Japanese ate working. While in nz mist of us are pension snd benefits. You cannot complain nz either Japan.
Cancel their citizenship if if come and go away.